MiCROCOSM (2014)

The short film MiCROCOSM is a walkabout between solitude and solidarity. It is a story articulated through three different spatial and time realities. The walk of a man in a completely empty city triggers the proposal of meeting as the primary social and political step.

About Alexandros Kaklamanos

Alexandros Kaklamanos was born in Athens in 1982.

In 2012, he was selected to represent Greece in the “World Event of Young Artists’’ in Nottingham, where he participated in the Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean. In the same year he gained the first scholarship of Motor Oil Hellas for MFA studies in the Netherlands.

As of 2014, he lives and works in s’Hertogenbosch, where he is undertaking a Master in Fine Arts at the Avans University of Applied Sciences.