The representation of a dream state or the kind of visual experience that is liberated from the rational consciousness is an essential part of TSCHAIKA. The absence of language, the deconstruction of forms, and in particular the use of black-and-white refer to a certain quality I perceive in my dreams. The play with light and dark, the distorted and blurred images are attempts to return to a kind of primordial state of the vision.

The moon has long been stylized as an unattainable object of desire. In a certain way, science has unveiled its mysteries. TSCHAIKA is an attempt to return it to the moon and audio-visualizes the poetic question of Leonardo da Vinci: “The moon is dense. All dense bodies are heavy. How stays, then, the moon?”

About M Kardinal

M. Kardinal was born in East Germany. She studied Fine Arts and Art History in Germany and Italy, and successfully completed her studies with a Master of Arts degree in Fine Arts in 2012. Her work has been exhibited, screened and discussed in national and international exhibitions, film screenings, interviews, and artist talks around the world.